Wir durften bereits zwei Projekte mit Oliver realisieren. Man merkt schnell, er bewegt sich in den Welten der Kunst und der Wissenschaft ebenbürtig. Das macht die Zusammenarbeit effizient und reibungslos. Oliver hat aufmerksam zugehört, unsere vagen Ideen verstanden, eigenständig recherchiert und unsere Vorstellungen zu einer Geschichte ausgebaut. Entstanden sind dabei zwei außergewöhnliche Bilder, die mit Witz, Charme und Detailreichtum das Auge fesseln.
DR. GABRIELE SENTI |Chefredakteurin, Jatros Neurologie & Psychiatrie, Leading Opinions Neurologie & Psychiatrie|
Oliver, I was already a big fan of yours before but now even more so after working with you so closely on this. You have such an amazing gift to be able to operate at such a high level in both the artistic and scientific worlds, and your creativity in the final product is really inspiring. You bet I’ll let everyone know about you when they are thinking about their websites, journal covers, etc.
It was pleasure to work with Oliver on this project. He transformed our science into an artistic image while emphasizing the key message. Although working on a tight deadline, he was very flexible with respect to our comments. I can highly recommend his service.
DR. HENNING TIDOW |Professor, University of Hamburg|
We came to Oliver with a tight deadline. He put an artist’s view to our story, while ensuring solid understanding of the biology behind it. I can highly recommend his service.
CHRISTINE VOGEL, PHD |Professor, New York University|
Oliver was commissioned to generate a painting for our departmental website. We were extremely pleased by both his vision and artistic execution in conceptualizing the fields of cell biology, developmental biology and epigenetics. Likely due to his extensive training as an experimental researcher, Oliver has a extraordinary ability to render abstract scientific concepts. I have really enjoyed working with him and look forward to our next collaboration on journal cover art.
MATT GOOD, PHD |Professor, UPenn|